Principal Investigator
NSF Biosketch
Cell Phone: 517-388-6091
Office Phone: 304-293-9334
Office Address: 431 ESB
Dr. Sanyal received her Ph.D in Chemical Engineering from Michigan State University (2016) and B.E in Chemical Engineering from Manipal University, India (2011). Her doctoral research with Prof. Ilsoon Lee focussed on developing polyelectrolyte multilayer membranes for ion rejection and effluent treatment. Following her PhD, she moved to Georgia Tech for postdoctoral research with Prof. William J. Koros. During this time, Dr. Sanyal worked on understanding and analyzing some of the critical fundamental features of carbon molecular sieve membranes for gas separation. She joined the CBE department at WVU in 2020 and her current research program aims to revolutionize the industrial separations landscape using advanced membranes as the platform.
Graduate Students

MS Student
B.S - Chemical Engineering, West Virginia University (2020)
Brian joined the MTS Lab in Fall 2020. His current work is focused on designing advanced carbon molecular sieve membranes for gas separation. His undergraduate research with Prof. John Hu at WVU was focussed on catalyst development for H2-rich syngas production.

PhD Student
B.S - Chemical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (2017)
Prottoy joined the MTS Lab in Fall 2020. His current work is focused on designing the next generation desalination membranes for reverse osmosis and forward osmosis applications. Previously, he worked as an Assistant Engineer at the Meghna Group of Industries in Bangladesh. At BUET, his undergraduate research was focused on water purification using chitosan.
Visiting Scholars

Visiting Scholar
B.S - Chemical Engineering, West Virginia University (2020)
Undergraduate Students

WVU RAP student
B.S - Chemical Engineering, West Virginia University (Expected Graduation - 2023)

B.S - Chemical Engineering, West Virginia University (Expected Graduation - 2022)