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* Denotes Equal contribution


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  • Kamath, M.G.; Itta, A.K.; Hays, S.S.; Sanyal, O; Liu, Z.; Koros, W.J. "Pyrolysis end-doping to optimize transport properties of carbon molecular sieve hollow fiber membranes," Industrial Engineering and Chemistry Research, 59, 13755-13761, (2020). [PDF] [Online Article]
  • Sanyal, O*.; Hays, S.S.*; Leon, N.E.; Guta, Y.A.; Itta, A.K.; Lively, R.P.; Koros, W.J. “A self-consistent model for sorption and transport in polyimide-derived carbon molecular sieve membranes,” Angewandte Chemie. (2020). (*equal contribution) [Online Article]
  • Hays, S.S*.; Sanyal, O.*; Leon, N.E.; Arab, P.; Koros, W.J. “Envisioned role of slit bypass pores in physical aging of carbon molecular sieve membranes,” Carbon, 157, 385-394, (2020). (*equal contribution) [PDF] [Online Article]
  • Cao, Y.; Zhang, K.; Sanyal, O.; Koros, W. J. “Carbon molecular sieve membrane preparation by economical coating and pyrolysis of porous polymer hollow fibers,” Angewandte Chemie International Edition,58, 12149-12153, (2019). [PDF] [Online Article]
  • Adams, J. S.; Itta, A. K.; Zhang, C.; Wenz, G. B.; Sanyal, O.; Koros, W. J. “New insights into structural evolution in carbon molecular sieve membranes during pyrolysis,” Carbon, 141, 238-246, (2019). [PDF] [Online Article]
  • Sanyal, O.; Hicks, S.T.; Bhuwania, N.; Hays, S.; Kamath, M.J.; Karwa, S.; Swaidan, R.; Koros, W.J. “Cause and effects of hyperskin features on carbon molecular sieve (CMS) membranes,” Journal of Membrane Science, 551,113-122, (2018). [PDF] [Online Article]
  • Sanyal, O.; Zhang, C.; Wenz, G. B.; Fu, S.; Bhuwania, N.; Xu, L.; Rungta, M.; Koros, W.J. “Next generation membranes-using tailored carbon,” Carbon, 127, 688-698, (2018). [PDF] [Online Article]
  • Sanyal, O.; Liu, Z.; Yu, J; Meharg, B. M.; Hong J. S; Liao, W.; Lee, I. “Design of fouling-resistant clay-embedded polyelectrolyte multilayer membranes for wastewater effluent treatment,” Journal of Membrane Science, 512, 21-28, (2016). [PDF] [Online Article]
  • Yu, J.; Han, S.; Hong, J.S.; Sanyal, O.; Lee, I. “Synchronous generation of nano and micro-scaled hierarchical porous polyelectrolyte multilayers for superwettable surfaces,” Langmuir, 32, 8494–8500, (2016). [PDF] [Online Article]
  • Sanyal, O.; Liu, Z.; Meharg, B. M.; Liao, W.; Lee, I. "Development of polyelectrolyte multilayer membranes to reduce the COD level of electrocoagulation treated high-strength wastewater,” Journal of Membrane Science, 496, 259-266, (2015). [PDF] [Online Article]
  • Yu, J.; Sanyal, O.; Izbicki, A.P.; Lee, I. "Development of layered multi-scale porous thin films by tuning deposition time and molecular weight of polyelectrolytes," Macromolecular Rapid Communication, 36, 1669-1674, (2015). [PDF] [Online Article]
  • Sanyal, O.; Sommerfeld, A.N.; Lee, I. "Design of ultrathin nanostructured polyelectrolyte-based membranes with high perchlorate rejection and high permeability," Separation and Purification Technology, 145, 113-119, (2015). [PDF] [Online Article]
  • Sanyal, O.; Lee, I. "Recent progress in the application of layer-by-layer assembly to the preparation of nanostructured ion-rejecting water purification membranes," Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 14, 2178-2189, (2014). [PDF] [Online Article]
  • Gokhale, A.A.; Lu, J.; Parker, N.J.; Izbicki, A.P.; Sanyal, O.; Lee, I. "Conductive oxygen barrier films using supramolecular assembly of graphene embedded polyelectrolyte multilayers," Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,409, 219-226, (2013). [PDF] [Online Article]